What is PLR?

PLR means Past Life Rookie! Say What? No, not true but I got your attention! :)

All kidding aside, what does this acronym PLR stand for?

PLR stands for Private Label Rights. Okay, so you ask, what does this really mean? Let's first start with the following explanation. Online website owners dazzle visitors with well written, unique articles (content) to show off their best products or services. These online marketers may write there own content, reports, and reviews for their website, blogs, auto-responders, etc. However the catch is; time is money, and sometimes with all that needs to get done, online marketers can't find the time to write nor have loads of cash in their budget to hire a writer. They could outsource to hire a ghostwriter - but that can get expensive.

Here is where Private Label Rights come into consideration. PLR article content is inexpensive. Private Label Rights are easily available to snatch up and budget friendly. The PLR is used for digital products, such as web or blog content, reports, reviews, email, newsletters, even e-Books. With the PLR license for that digital product, you can edit the content and use the articles anyway you see fit - with a few exceptions. Most often you don't have the right to resell PLR articles (no resale rights).

A number of PLR stores sell unique, and professionally written PLR content to interested internet marketers or individuals for a particular niche topic.

Obtaining PLR Articles is a win, win situation.

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